Bill Kuntz
Public Tool Auction

Saturday November 05, 2011



Auction will be held at Ron Schmidgall’s Auction Barn, located 2 miles North of Goodfield, IL on Rt.#117, then west ¼ mi. on road 500N (Cooper Rd).  Goodfield is at Exit 112 on I-74 between Peoria & Bloomington, IL     

Pre-View Fri.  Nov. 4, 2-7pm

         See our Auctions & pic’s at


OVER 700 COLLECTOR TOOLS & WRENCHES-  Sattley, Hayes, Deere, Moline, Rock Island, Oliver, Peoria, Ford, Emerson, Allis Chalmers, Pearless, Famous, Superior, Cockshutte, Independent, Indianan Silo, Tiger, Lax, P&O, Reeves, Vulgan Plow, B.F. Avery, P.P. Co., Unadilla Silo, Hudson, Goodyear, Daltex, AM Harrow, N.C., Acme, Ohio Brass, Shares, Syracuse, Gale, H&D, Collins Plow, Van Bruent, David Bradley, Kovar Line, Granite State, Champion, Morris, Frazier, Kindland, Moniter Drill, Iron Age, Buffalo, Black Hawk, Wilkison Plow, Ohio Rake, Canton, Beaver, Monmouth, Princess, Hurst, Harbison, S. Cocker & Son, Red Chief, Maxwell, Stephens, Craft, Case, J.H. Co., Newell Sanders Plow, IH, Moon, Weber, Delane, DeLeval, Avery, Jamesway, M.H., Worcester, Wood, Dunham, Model Stoves, Maytag, Ideal, Pratt, Dayton, Freeport, Henry, Banner, Studebaker,  Sechler, Western, Osborn, St. Charles, King Dick, Rhea-Thielens Imp., Walker, Icono, Indian Motorcycle, sev. w/ German Swastika, various size twisted handle & wooden handle monkey wrenches, fencing wrenches, all types of adjustable wrenches, cut out wrenches, Spark plug & cylinder nut wrenches, S wrenches, various types of pliers,

Note-This is a large wrench collection Bill has accumulated over the last 60 years

Bill Kuntz Estate Goodfield, IL

Owner-Maurine Kuntz      

TERMS: Cash, VISA, Master Card, Discovery or good check w/ID             

Not responsible for accidents or items after sold.      Announcements sale date take precedence over printed material.

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